Learning Support:
Direct tutor communication via WhatsApp, email, phone and Zoom.
Learning Resources:
Manuals | E-Learning | Knowledge Checkers | Recorded Webinars |Tutor Demonstrations | Recorded Assessment Guidance |
This qualification can be achieved within 2-3 months. Advanced Learner Loans learners are expected to achieve in no more than 6-7 months.
Accredited Achievement:
Active IQ Level 3 Diploma in Gym Instructing & Personal Training (603/2693/1)
100% Online – study where and when you want. Supported with excellent flexible tutor support.
Payment Methods:
Funded: Advanced Learner Loans
Self-Funded: 0% Interest-Free Monthly Payments Over 10 Months
Course information videos
What is your goal?
Our Level 3 Diploma in Gym Instructing and Personal Training combines content from our two most popular qualifications to enable learners to become Personal Trainers without prior learning.
Fast track to becoming qualified: The online Level 3 Diploma in Gym Instructing and Personal Training provides a fast-track route for those wanting to work as a Personal Trainer in the Active Leisure Sector.
Alternatively, if you are looking for your first step towards a career in health and fitness: The Level 2 Certificate in Gym Instructing may be a more suitable starting point.
Already Level 2 qualified and want to be a Personal Trainer: The Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training is your next step.
The Level 3 Diploma in Gym Instructing & Personal Training allows access to the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA).
Course Details
Our Level 3 Diploma in Gym Instructing and Personal Training combines content from our two most popular qualifications to enable learners become a Personal Training with no prior learning.
You will gain the abilities necessary to organise and instruct adult gym-based fitness programmes while enrolled in the Level 3 Diploma in Gym Instructing and Personal Training course. You’ll also learn how to effectively support clients who engage in physical activity and exercise.
Fast track to becoming qualified: The online Level 3 Diploma in Gym Instructing and Personal Training provides a fast-track route for those wanting to work as a Personal Trainer in the Active Leisure Sector.
The Level 3 Diploma is a combination of the Level 2 Certificate in Gym Instructing and The Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training. Your personal tutor will support you and guide you with a purpose built course structure to ensure you progress with your studies and assist you with any career and business support.
Alternatively, if you are looking for your First step towards a career in health and fitness: The Level 2 Certificate in Gym Instructing may be a more suitable starting point.
Already Level 2 qualified and want to be a Personal Trainer: The Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training is the next step for you.
The Level 3 Diploma in Gym Instructing & Personal Training allows access to The Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA) and the Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs).
How do I enrol on the Advanced Learner Loans funding route?
If you decide to enrol on our Level 3 Diploma in Gym Instructing and Personal Training programme and fund it via an Advanced Learner Loan, we will first ask you to schedule a call with a tutor so we can outline the course structure and expectations.
If you are happy with what you hear, we will email you the next steps. Attached to the email will be an Advanced Learner Loans Funding Letter. This letter provides all the information to apply for the Advanced Learner Loan.
In the email will be the request for you to complete two steps.
Step 1 is to access the student loans website to apply for the advanced learner loan using the information in the advanced learner loans funding letter provided. If you have had a higher education loan or an Advanced Learner Loan before, you will already have an account.
Alternatively, you will be required to create one. Once you have successfully applied for the loan you will then be able be required to complete step 2.
Step 2 is the CMS online enrolment form. It ensures we have all the information we require about you and ensures that we have provided you with key information before you start your programme.
Once these steps have been completed, you will show up on our system the same day, and we will issue your joining instructions via email within 24 hours, which will include a link to seamlessly schedule your induction at a date and time to suit you.
That is it – all done within hours!
Contractual Requirements
We must use our Advanced Learner Loan contract to have the most significant impact on society. This is so public funds are used effectively, so we do not leave people liable for loans they did nothing towards, and so we can retain our standard as an Ofsted Good training provider and retain our government contract to help the following aspiring personal trainers.
With this in mind, we allow our Advanced Learner Loans learners a 60-day timeframe during which they will have no liability for the cost of the course. The reason for this is that learners can ensure this programme and career pathway is the right one for them while also allowing CMS to evaluate a learner’s commitment to the programme. During this time, we will evaluate the effectiveness of communication, the quality of work submitted, and the progress made to date against the targets set.
Advanced Learner Loans learners are advised that CMS reserve the right to withdraw any funding during the pre-liability stage of the programme should we feel the above expectations are not adhered to. If CMS takes this action, learners will not be liable for any costs via their loan. This decision would only be accepted if CMS felt it had serious concerns about a learner’s communication, ability or commitment to achieve within the maximum expected timeframe of 6-7 months.
What can you expect from the moment you enrol?
When you purchase your course, you will be sent your joining instructions via email within 24 hours. You will also receive a hyperlink, which will allow you to seamlessly schedule your 1-1 online induction at a date and time that suits you.
One of our helpful tutors will spend approximately 45 minutes showing you the system and getting to know how we can best support you throughout the programme. By the end of the induction, you will be clear on communicating with your tutor and what you need to do to achieve your first targets.
Learners can request support via our WhatsApp or email support ticket system. Simply ask the question, and a tutor will respond accordingly. This will include the use of written responses, or a personal video recording providing the answer or support you require.
Tutor Support
Self-funded learners can request online live tutor support at any time via the above mediums.
Advanced Learner Loans learners are required to attend regular online meetings with their tutor. These meetings occur at induction, weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and so on, every two weeks until the programme is concluded. Additional support visits will be scheduled as required. This may be to support learners who need extra support or to support those making significant progress at a faster rate.
Study Timeframe
Self-funded learners have two years to work towards their programme.
Advanced Learner Loans learners are expected to achieve within 6-7 months; however, they will work towards achievement within an agreed timescale. This can be as little as two months but is reliant on the individual being able to complete the required amount of study to keep pace. We find that 3-5 months is the average timeframe for completion.
CMS recommend that learners complete between 5-15 hours of study time a week. Of course, those who can complete more study time each week will likely progress faster. However, existing knowledge, learning speed, ability to retain information, work and family commitments are factors that make everybody’s journey unique.
How is the programme structured?
Our programme can be completed 100% online.
The qualification consists of 11 units. Five at Level 2, which makes up the Level 2 Certificate in Gym Instructing and six at Level 3, which makes up the Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training. Together, these 11 units create the Level 3 Diploma in Gym Instructing and Personal Training.
The 5 Level 2 units will be completed first with learners then progressing onto the 6 Level 3 units.
You will work towards the below units in the following order (subject to any agreed amendments).
Unit by Unit Overview
The content and structure of the level 2 gym instructor is delivered in a specific order to ensure learning is completed in a coherent and logical sequence. This ensures you learn the fundamentals before progressing on to the more advanced content.
Level 3 Diploma in Gym Instructing and Personal Training - 6 Month Achievement Pathway
Unit | Timeframe for Completion in Days | Unit Level |
Unit 2: Professionalism and customer care for fitness instructors (K/616/7501) | 0-7 | 2 |
Unit 3: Health and safety in the fitness environment (M/616/7502) | 7-14 | 2 |
Unit 4: Conducting client consultations to support positive behaviour change (A/616/7504) | 14-42 | 2 |
Unit 1: Principles of anatomy, physiology and fitness (A/616/7499) | 14-70 | 2 |
Unit 5: Planning and instructing gym-based exercise (F/616/7505) | 42-70 | 2 |
Unit 8: Understanding lifestyle, health, wellbeing and common medical conditions (R/615/4015) | 70-84 | 3 |
Unit 6: Applied anatomy and physiology for exercise, health and fitness (F/615/4012) | 70-126 | 3 |
Unit 9: Encouraging positive health and fitness behaviours in clients (Y/615/4016) | 84 - 98 | 3 |
Unit 10: Programme design and delivery for personal training (H/615/4018) | 98-140 | 3 |
Unit 7: The principles of nutrition and their application to exercise and health (J/615/4013) | 98-140 | 3 |
Unit 11: Professionalism and business acumen for personal trainers (D/615/4020) | 140-168 | 3 |
Unit 2 Professionalism and Customer Care for Fitness Instructors
You will start with your Unit 2 Professionalism and Customer Care for Fitness Instructor’s learning. This unit will help you understand the legal and professional requirements for fitness instructing and understand the products and services offered by fitness instructors and facilities. You will learn the skills and behaviours needed to deliver effective customer care and how to communicate clearly and interact with a variety of customers in different situations. You will learn how an instructor can help all types of customers to have a positive exercise experience and the importance of personal and professional development throughout the rest of your career.
Unit 3 Health and Safety in the Fitness Environment
After Unit 2 you will work towards your Unit 3 Health and Safety in the Fitness Environment Unit. The Unit 3 health safety module will help you understand health and safety in the workplace, including normal and emergency operating procedures in and how to maintain a safe and effective fitness environment via the application of risk assessments. You will also learn the cleaning requirements in fitness environments including key legislation relating to working practices such as the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations and the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences (RIDDOR) Regulations.
Unit 1 Anatomy and Physiology
You will start learning content from this unit after you complete Units 2 and 3. Once you have completed this unit you will understand the skeletal and neuromuscular systems and the effects of exercise, the function and structure of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, be able to explain how energy is produced in the body and the effects of exercise on energy production, understand the structure and function of the digestive system and how all of these factors can impact on your client’s health and well-being. After completing the online eLearning resources and interactive assessment materials, you will have access to a mock exam and then finally book your online remote exam.
Unit 4 Conducting Client Consultations to Support Positive Behaviour Change
Unit 4 will also be started after Unit 2 and 3 are completed. Unit 4 will be studied alongside Unit 1. By the end of your Unit 4 you will be able to complete a client consultation interview, using established protocols for health screening and fitness assessments, and support clients to change their exercise behaviours. You will understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle and the importance of healthy eating. As well as how technology can be used to support exercise adherence and the benefits of technology for both the client and the instructor. The assessments for Unit 4 Conducting Client Consultations to Support Positive Behaviour Change unit, include the submission of a knowledge-based worksheet, an educational leaflet, and a video assessment, of you completing a consultation with your client.
Unit 5 Planning and Instructing Gym-based Exercise
The Unit 5 Planning and Instructing gym-based exercise module is the final Level 2 unit and will equate to the achievement of the Level 2 Certificate in Gym Instructing. You are likely to continue to study towards Unit 1 alongside his unit. As you complete your studies for Unit 5 you will learn how to plan and deliver a safe and effective gym-based exercise session to both individuals and groups. You will learn the fundamental teaching points and coaching cues to demonstrate, instruct and correct a wide range of exercise techniques to support a variety of different clients. You will also learn how to encourage clients to increase physical activity and exercise adherence and be able to evaluate your practice to continuously improve your knowledge and skills.
Areas of study for these online gym instructor units include how to assess your client’s fitness levels, understand their goals and be able to competently prescribe correct cardiovascular exercises and intensities to suit their needs. You will learn how to plan, prescribe, and deliver cardiovascular sessions including, warm-ups, main sessions, and cool-downs, covering how to introduce and instruct correct technique as well as how to monitor intensity effectively. In addition, you will also learn how to apply a variety of stretching techniques including dynamic, static, and developmental stretching.
Following on from the cardiovascular training sections you will start to explore the benefits and theory of resistance training. This includes topics such as understanding the importance of exercise choices, exercise sequence, and the prescription of reps and sets, as well as other key topics such as progression and overload, to ensure you can competently prescribe resistance training to your clients.
As part of your eLearning content, you will learn how to perform, instruct, and correct all major exercise techniques, such as squats, deadlifts, rows, and presses, as well as be able to prescribe suitable alternatives, progressions, and regressions, to ensure you can support all types of clients. You will learn the principles of safe and effective lifting techniques and spotting, allowing you to perform the techniques and support a variety of clients in the gym.
In addition to one-on-one programme delivery, you will cover the principles of group instruction. This is a key role of a gym instructor and ensures you are competent in the delivery of exercise both one-to-one, as well as to a small group.
Unit 6 Applied anatomy and physiology for exercise, health and fitness
You will typically start revising this unit once all Level 2 units have been completed.
This unit will help you understand the structure and function of the cardiovascular system, the myofascial system and the neuromuscular-skeletal system in relation to health and fitness, as well as be able to explain the role of the energy systems concerning physical activity, exercise and training and the structure and function of the digestive system in relation to health and fitness.
After completing the online eLearning resources and interactive assessment materials, you will have access to a mock exam and then finally book your online remote exam.
Unit 8 Understanding lifestyle, health, wellbeing and common medical conditions
Unit 8 will released at the same time as Unit 6. You will learn about commonly occurring medical conditions, such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases, and how they may impact a client’s lifestyle. You will learn how lifestyle factors such as healthy and unhealthy behaviours affect a client’s health and wellbeing, and how to risk-stratify and refer your clients with common medical conditions as part of your client induction, and consultation process.
Your assessments for Unit 3 include the completion of two information-based leaflets illustrating your understanding of common medical conditions that may be prevalent with your future clients.
Unit 9 Encouraging positive health and fitness behaviours in clients
Unit 9 will also be released alongside Units 6 and 8. As part of this unit, you will develop an understanding of the importance of communication skills and learn key communication techniques to effectively communicate and engage with clients, and support clients making lifestyle behaviour changes. You will learn how to collect and interpret health screening and fitness assessment data, how to monitor and interpret client data from a range of current information technology (IT) applications and how technological advancements can help clients increase their activity levels and stay motivated and focused.
Your assessment for Unit 9 is the completion of a technology recommendation assignment, where you are required to highlight and recommend different technologies to your client that could assist them achieve their goals and maintain a healthy active lifestyle.
Unit 7 The principles of nutrition and their application to exercise and health
Once you have successfully navigated Units 6, 8 and 9 you are halfway through your Level 3 Personal Trainer units and will be given access to Unit 2 The Principles of Nutrition and their application to Exercise and Health.
When completing this unit you will learn how to access credible information about nutrition for exercise and health, as well as learn common nutritional terms related to exercise and health. You will understand what nutrients are required to maintain health, as well as key food groups required to fuel and recover from physical activity. You will be able to analyse clients’ dietary habits and identify areas for improvement, estimate daily energy and nutrient requirements for clients with different goals and provide nutritional considerations for specific client groups, as well as advise on the risks of poor nutritional and lifestyle practices.
Unit 10 Programme design and delivery for personal training
While studying towards unit 9 you will also have access to unit 10. In this unit, you will learn how to assess your client’s fitness level and understand how to complete a series of static and dynamic fitness tests to establish your client’s baseline fitness, help you monitor their progress on the programme with you, and discover how to use the data you collect to risk stratify your client to ensure you work safely with all levels of clients.
Once you have mastered the principles of client consultation you will progress on to the theoretical principles and practical application of advanced cardiovascular training methods. You will develop a deep understanding of the different types and methods of interval training, fartlek training, continuous and tempo training, as well as high-intensity interval training.
As you progress through the elements of advanced cardiovascular training methods you will delve into the complex anatomy of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitative stretching, also known as PNF stretching, as well as develop an understanding of the structure, function, and anatomy of the core. You will be able to apply advanced cardiovascular training methods, know how to offset poor postures, be able to teach the client how to brace and engage their core effectively and apply advanced stretching techniques to improve on those hard-to-reach stretches.
Following this you will progress on to the advanced resistance training techniques. You will learn over 15 advanced resistance training methods and understand how to apply these on your clients to maximise their training. Exercise techniques learnt at level 2 will be built upon, covering key progression and overload techniques, including the use and development of the central nervous system.
Once you have a thorough understanding of the advanced cardiovascular and resistance methods you will learn how to combine these areas into a periodised and progressive programme, learning about periodisation models and cognitive learning phases.
To assess your understanding, you will be required to complete a series of assessments that includes a recorded submission of a client consultation, a diet diary analysis, an educational leaflet handout, a periodised 12-week programme and two practical observation assessments, allowing you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding on how to deliver a variety of advanced cardiovascular, resistance and flexibility training methods, as well as manage a personal training session from start to finish.
Unit 11 Professionalism and business acumen for personal trainers
Last but not least….once all other units have been completed you will get access to Unit 11. This unit aims to help you set up as a personal trainer. You will learn the legal and professional requirements for personal training, such as health and safety, equality and diversity and the legal and professional requirements for the management of personal information and records, also known as data protection.
You will learn how to set budgets and manage finances, as well as understand marketing techniques and tactics, so you can plan and strategise to develop a successful personal training business. You will learn how to use, monitor and interpret business data from a range of current information technology (IT) applications to support effective business planning and delivery and understand the requirements of a self-employed individual, such as tax and insurance needs, as well as the professional and personal importance of continuing professional development (CPD).
Are there workshop days?
In the post-COVID era, with the rise of online personal training and the ever-growing digital influence on the world, the demand for workshop days has significantly diminished. We find learners value learning online, when and where they want. They do not want to take annual leave off work to attend workshop days, give up their weekends or travel to attend what they can now access online.
Recognising this trend, CMS has added all the delivery our workshop day learners used to benefit from online. Tutor demonstration, tutor presentations, everything…. and quite frankly, more than we could have ever dared to try to deliver on a given set of workshop days. Online learning also allows for the diversification of learner knowledge. Learners can focus on content most relevant to them and not the masses. 1-1 tutor support enables our tutors to provide the support you need when needed.
So, in this digital age, we no longer offer workshop days. We successfully support hundreds of learners all over England through the means outlined above.
How are my practical assessments assessed?
Your practical assessments will consist of two consultations and three practical assessments.
Practical assessments can be assessed in one of three ways.
- Uploading of recordings
You can upload a recording of your practical assessments via our eLMS or Dropbox.
You will be required to do either.
- Use a smartphone on a tripod and utilise a Bluetooth microphone for your client and yourself to wear.
- Have a third party (acting as the tripod) record you, while you deliver to your client. The Bluetooth microphone will still be required.
The resulting recording can then be swiftly uploaded for a tutor to review.
- Face-to-face at one of our assessment centres
Join us at any of our assessment centre locations on designated days to complete your practical assessments. Our assessment days are regularly scheduled on Saturdays and Mondays. You can book on your preferred dates by talking to your tutor or sending us a WhatsApp.
View our assessment centre schedule here.
- Face-to-face at a location of your choosing
Finally, you could arrange for an assessor to assess you in person at your chosen venue. We would need the gym manager/owner’s approval to allow our assessor access to their premises. This will incur an additional charge.
When and how will I receive feedback?
We provide feedback to learners via video recordings. Once you submit your work, you can expect to receive feedback within ten working days (hopefully closer to 5). This will arrive via an email notification, during which you can click a URL link to view your feedback. We can convey and understand information much faster when received via a visual and verbal medium. Video feedback comes with a video of your work, with a verbal narrative, transcript, and subtitles to cover all eventualities and learning preferences.
How will I be assessed?
Throughout the 11 units, you will be required to complete:
- Three multiple-choice exam papers,
- Two 1-1 practical assessments,
- Two client consultations,
- One group induction practical
- A range of worksheets and assignment tasks such as client educational resources, programme cards and periodisation plans.
How will I be supported in my learning?
Units are supported through a range of different learning resources. Below, we have outlined how we support your learning towards achieving the 11 units while maximising your learning.
Resources available for all assessment types
The below learning resources are available for all units:
- Unit manuals: Learners receive a detailed PDF manual for each unit which can be downloaded and printed as they see fit.
- E-learning: Each unit has an e-learning package which follows the same structure as the PDF manual, allowing you to use them in tandem or use the one that most favors your learning preference.
- Assessment talk-throughs: All units have unit assessment talk-throughs. On-demand videos allow all learners to listen to detailed overviews of what is required for a specific assessment.
- Personalised tutor support: Whether provided live on a webinar or recorded for you to view on demand, our tutors are always available to help you identify and remove knowledge gaps.
Resources Specific to Multiple-Choice Exam Papers
In addition to the resources already outlined, the following learning resources are also utilised to aid learners’ progression towards their multiple-choice exam-assessed units.
- Third-party resources: The internet contains an ocean of information. We refer you to credible sources of additional information to assist in your learning journey and allow you to continue your continuous professional development after your time on the programme.
- Revision videos: Our tutors have recorded revision sessions that are available to watch on demand to support your preparation for your assessments.
- Knowledge checkers: All units are divided into sections. We have question banks for each section across the three units you will be assessed via a multiple-choice exam paper. You will be given ten questions at a time from a bank of hundreds, allowing you to benchmark and evaluate your existing knowledge. You get immediate feedback, allowing you to evaluate your current level of knowledge and review each question. Want to go again? Go for it, ten new questions will appear. All attempts are captured and allow tutors to review your learning and support any gaps in your knowledge.
Resources Specific to Practical Assessments
In addition to the resources already outlined, the following learning resources are also utilised to aid learners’ progression towards their practical assessments.
- Tutor demonstrations and presentations: Because we no longer run workshop days, all the tutor demonstrations learners used to benefit from are now pre-recorded and available online on demand. As a result, there is now even more content available for learners. This includes examples of recorded practical assessments and completed paperwork so you know exactly what is expected of you.
Learning Portal
There are numerous resources available on our learning platform and each of these serves a purpose in assisting you in getting the most out of your learning journey.
Your on-programme teacher will give you lessons with a variety of educational materials to work through. These will help you reach each milestone of the personal training qualification you’re pursuing.
You will have access to the following resources:
A wide range of high-quality manuals are available in PDF format.
Access to an online learning platform with extensive content created specifically for each individual training course unit.
You will be able to use a knowledge checker to assess your understanding of each unit. Each question in the knowledge checker is chosen from a large question bank created with care. These questions could be true or false, multiple choice, fill in the blank, mark the words, or any other type!
Tutor Support
You will be assigned a tutor who will be a source of encouragement and guidance throughout your time with us. They play an important role in providing explanations, creating structure, and setting goals, as well as providing any additional assistance you may require at any time.
The first thing that will happen is that CMS will give you a thorough introduction. This is our opportunity to learn more about you, your professional goals, your academic and professional background, as well as your lifestyle and interests, and it will last approximately sixty to ninety minutes. You will be able to discuss any concerns you have about potential barriers to your success as well as any educational requirements you may have.
The following section of the introduction will be entirely dedicated to the programme that you have chosen to pursue. You will be given an overview of our e-learning platform, which was inspired by the popular streaming service Netflix, as well as instructions on how your programme will be organised, what types of resources you can expect, and how you will progress in your personal training qualification.
CMS has been providing personal training credentials since 2008, so you can be confident that we understand how to make this process enjoyable and stress-free for you.
After the initial orientation, you will have a support visit with your on-programme tutor via webinar about one to two weeks later.
Face-to-face time with your instructor allows you to go over everything you’ve learned so far in your studies. This is your opportunity in your personal training course to seek clarification on anything you do not fully understand, ask questions, or bring up any other topic you wish to discuss.
Following this initial support visit, the general plan is to hold a webinar once a month for the duration of the personal training course to discuss your development. This will include discussions about what has been completed, additional assistance in checking and improving your knowledge of the personal training units that you have completed thus far, and agreement on your future goals.
If you require assistance on a more regular basis, this will not be an issue. Participating in phone calls, or sending emails are other ways to communicate with your tutor.
Recorded Webinars and Workshops
CMS wants you to get the most out of your personal training course, but we also understand that not everyone learns and progresses at the same rate.
Where appropriate, your instructor for the personal training course can provide you with bespoke recorded materials. You will be given a weblink that will allow you to access these materials for thirty-five days; this is a great benefit for those of you who enjoy going over previously learned material.
In addition to the webinars, the personal training course’s workshop days have been pre-recorded. This means that if you need to, you will be able to view all of your workshop sessions again, whenever you like.
You will be able to better prepare for what will happen during the sessions of your personal training course by viewing pre-recorded materials before you attend those sessions.
Tutor Demonstrations
It is critical to be able to observe how the concepts you are learning are put into practice. When you enroll in one of our personal training courses, you will be able to view demos given by our professional instructors online as many times as you want.
Recorded Submissions
We strongly encourage you to record your approach, delivery, and consulting styles so that we can better support online and distance learning. This can be accomplished by sending your instructor a link to a recording of you carrying out a consultation, exercise technique or instruction style, which they will listen to and provide valuable feedback on. This gives you the added benefit of ongoing support between the days of your personal training course, allowing you to ensure that you continue to develop and apply your newly acquired skills.
This works both ways; depending on the circumstances, you may also expect your personal training course tutor to deliver recorded demonstrations and additional explanations in this manner.
Example Pro-Forma’s
Worksheets, case studies, and assignments will be due at various points during the Level 3 Personal Training course you are taking. We understand that you may be unfamiliar with this procedure, so we will provide you with some examples of completed proformas to help you understand what is expected of you.
The online Level 3 Diploma for Gym Instructing and Personal Training qualification is accredited by Active IQ, the leading awarding body in the health and fitness sector. It is also recognised by CIMSPA.
The online Level 3 Diploma for Gym Instructing and Personal Training is structured into eleven separate units which all teach you the vital knowledge in becoming a successful personal trainer.
Unit 1: Principles of anatomy, physiology and fitness (A/616/7499)
Unit 2: Professionalism and customer care for fitness instructors (K/616/7501)
Unit 3: Health and safety in the fitness environment (M/616/7502)
Unit 4: Conducting client consultations to support positive behaviour change (A/616/7504)
Unit 5: Planning and instructing gym-based exercise (F/616/7505)
Unit 6: Applied anatomy and physiology for exercise, health and fitness (F/615/4012)
Unit 7: The principles of nutrition and their application to exercise and health (J/615/4013)
Unit 8: Understanding lifestyle, health, wellbeing and common medical conditions (R/615/4015)
Unit 9: Encouraging positive health and fitness behaviours in clients (Y/615/4016)
Unit 10: Programme design and delivery for personal training (H/615/4018)
Unit 11: Professionalism and business acumen for personal trainers (D/615/4020)
Level 3 Diploma in Gym Instructing and Personal Training Course - Unit Assessment Overview
Unit | Assessments |
Unit 1: Principles of anatomy, physiology and fitness (A/616/7499) | Theory paper – Principles of anatomy, physiology and fitness |
Unit 2: Professionalism and customer care for fitness instructors (K/616/7501) | Worksheet – Professionalism and customer care for fitness instructors Assignment – Personal and professional development Modular summative observation – Consultation Modular summative observation – Group induction |
Unit 3: Health and safety in the fitness environment (M/616/7502) | Worksheet – Health and safety in the fitness environment Assignment – Risk assessment, maintenance and handover |
Unit 4: Conducting client consultations to support positive behaviour change (A/616/7504) | Worksheet – Supporting clients Assignment – Health promotion poster Modular summative observation – Consultation |
Unit 5: Planning and instructing gym-based exercise (F/616/7505) | Assignment – Session plan Summative observation – Programme delivery Worksheet – Session evaluation |
Unit 6: Applied anatomy and physiology for exercise, health and fitness (F/615/4012) | Theory paper – Applied anatomy and physiology for exercise, health and fitness. Modular summative observation – training techniques (Mark scheme criteria: A4, B3). |
Unit 7: The principles of nutrition and their application to exercise and health (J/615/4013) | Theory paper – The principles of nutrition and their application to exercise and health. Case study – Personal training client (Step 2, Step 3, nutritional guidance). Worksheet (Q1-5). |
Unit 8: Understanding lifestyle, health, wellbeing and common medical conditions (R/615/4015) | Assignment – Educational information handout and infographic. Modular summative observation – Consultation (Observation checklist criteria: B1, B2). Assignment – Developing a new personal training business(SWOT analysis, scope of practice). Worksheet (Q12, 14-16) |
Unit 9: Encouraging positive health and fitness behaviours in clients (Y/615/4016) | Modular summative observation – Consultation (Observation checklist sections: A, B and C). Assignment – Recommending the use of technology to clients. Worksheet (Q6-11) Worksheet – self-evaluation. |
Unit 10: Programme design and delivery for personal training (H/615/4018) | Modular summative observation – Training techniques (All sections). Case study – Personal training client (Step 3, FITT guidelines; Step 5). Summative observation – Personal training (Case study - Step 6). Worksheet (Q12-16) |
Unit 11: Professionalism and business acumen for personal trainers (D/615/4020) | Assignment – Developing a new personal training business. |
Unit 1 is called ‘Principles of Anatomy, Physiology and Fitness’ and covers all the foundational knowledge about the human body a certified personal trainer should know. We will then build on this knowledge in later units. You’ll learn about the cardiorespiratory system, the structure and function of the skeleton joints, the muscular system, energy systems, digestive system and nervous system will also be covered.
This unit is externally set and assessed through multiple choice theory exams which you will sit at the end of the unit. This assessment can be sat remotely from the comfort of your own home.
Unit 2, ‘Professionalism and Customer Care for Fitness Instructors’ and Unit 3, ‘Health and safety in the fitness environment’, is where we move onto maximising the customer experience in the exercise environment. This is all about putting the customer first and where we learn about those smaller details to become the highest quality gym instructor or personal trainer. We cover customer service skills, how to engage and communicate effectively, understand professional practise and how to maintain a safe gym environment.
These units are assessed through a series or written assignments.
Unit 4 is ‘Conducting Client Consultations to Support Positive Behaviour Change’. You will begin to learn how to lead a consultation as gym instructor or personal trainer and the value of exercise adherence by personal training clients, which is why we also teach you the principles of behaviour change which is fundamental in helping personal training clients achieve their long-term goals.
This unit is assessed with a combination of written assignments and video submissions of you leading a personal training client consultation and health assessment. We will provide you with recorded examples and guidance on how to record this evidence.
Unit 5, ‘Planning and Instructing Gym-Based Exercise’ and Unit 10, ‘Programme Design and Delivery for Personal Training’ are where you learn how to plan and then deliver gym and personal training programmes. These are the core skills you need to learn as a certified personal trainer and you will be building on and utilising the knowledge you have learnt in the previous four units. Our expert tutors will be walking you through the important steps you need to take in building an effective and appropriate personal training programme for any personal training client.
These units are assessed through a combination of written assignments, video submissions programme cards and self-reflection documents.
Please note: If attending a CMS assessment day at our centre, students will be required to bring a participant to two of the assessment days.
Your video submissions need to be recorded in a suitable environment. This requires you and your personal training clients to remain in view of the camera and to be always heard. This can be difficult in a busy public gym with background music. But don’t worry, if you do not have access to a suitable environment in order to record your practical assessments, we also allow you to attend our own gym facility in Batley, West Yorkshire. Alternatively, a member of our assessor network will be able to attend a facility of your choosing to conduct your practical assessment in person.
Unit 6 is called ‘Applied Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise, Health and Fitness’ where we expand on the knowledge learnt from unit 1 and learn how to apply it to exercise and health as a certified personal trainer. We will discuss the same topics as the foundation anatomy and physiology unit but this time delve deeper into their specific impact, risks and considerations when applied to exercise as a personal trainer.
This unit is set in the same way as unit 1 within multiple choice theory exam at the end of the unit. This assessment can be sat remotely from the comfort of your own home.
Unit 7 is called ‘The Principles of Nutrition and their Application to Exercise and Health’ here you learn all the nutritional fundamentals that you will need to provide accurate and appropriate advice to your clients as a certified personal trainer. You’ll learn the principles of macro and micronutrients, how to find credible sources of information, how to make use of nutritional tools and technology and how to effectively educate personal training clients about their nutrition.
This unit assessed via a multiple-choice theory paper and an assignment.
The theory paper is set and assessed in the same way as Unit 1 and 6 with the multiple-choice theory exam sat at the end of the unit. This assessment can be sat remotely from the comfort of your own home.
Unit 8, ‘Understanding lifestyle, health, wellbeing and common medical conditions’, covers how lifestyle factors such as dietary intake, stress, fatigue, alcohol and levels of physical activity affect a personal training client’s health and wellbeing. You will also learn how commonly occurring medical conditions such as hypertension, obesity, cardiorespiratory disease, diabetes and stress and how they may impact a client’s lifestyle. We will also cover when to refer personal training clients with common medical conditions
Unit 9, ‘Encouraging Positive Health and Fitness Behaviours in Clients’ covers understanding the importance of communication skills to effectively communicate and engage with clients, evaluating and adapting your own communication styles.
You will learn techniques used to effectively communicate and engage with personal training clients to support them in making positive lifestyle behaviour changes to meet their desired goals. You will learn how to establish rapport and engage personal training clients in conversations about their health and fitness while collecting meaningful information and assessing their readiness to change behaviour. This includes knowing how to provide relevant information to personal training clients and close sessions in a way that encourages ongoing motivation and goal achievement.
You will learn how technological advancements can help personal training clients increase their activity levels and stay motivated and focused in line with legislation and professional standards.
This unit is assessed via a worksheet and written assignment. It is also partially assessed via your practical observations or recorded submissions.
Unit 11, ‘Professionalism and Business Acumen for Personal Trainers’, is where you learn the core business skills for becoming a certified personal trainer. We will go through the basics of creating a business and marketing plans, how to manage your finances, the importance of social media and so much more.
This unit is assessed through an internally marked business project
CMS wants to make paying for your Level 3 Personal Training qualification as accessible as possible.
Therefore, we offer three routes to purchasing your Level 3 Personal Training qualification:
Please note CMS will not ask you for any bank details over the phone or email and you should not provide any payment details in this way.
Advanced Learner Loan – £2,225
Advanced Learner Loans are a great way to pay for your Level 3 Diploma in Gym Instruction and Personal Training.
Pay for your level 3 personal training qualification via a government-backed loan and repay the balance after you complete your course and earn over £25,000 a year.
More information on Advanced Learner Loans
If you would like to apply for an Advanced Learner Loan to pay for your Level 3 Diploma in Gym Instruction and Personal Training qualification please call us on 01924 470 477.
Pay in 0% Interest Monthly Installments – £1,500
CMS offers the ability to pay for your Level 3 Diploma in Gym Instructing and Personal Training qualification in 4, 7 or 10 0% interest monthly instalments.
If you would prefer to pay for your Level 3 Personal Training qualification via 0% interest monthly instalments, you can do this in one of two ways:
- Purchase via this webpage by selecting a personal training course date above and clicking ‘self-fund’, selecting the ‘Direct Debit’ payment option. You will pay an immediate deposit with the option to make a further 3, 6 or 9 instalments.
- Alternatively, call CMS on 01924 470 477 and we can send you a direct debit payment link via email.
Installments | Deposit | Monthly Installment | Total Cost |
4 | £150 | 3 x £450 | £1,500 |
7 | £150 | 6 x £225 | £1,500 |
10 | £150 | 9 x £150 | £1,500 |
Pay in Full – £1,500
If you would prefer to pay for your Level 3 Personal Training qualification in a one-time upfront instalment, you can do this in one of two ways:
- Make payment via our payments URL making sure to include notes on the personal training course you wish to enroll on and a CMS representative will call you back to confirm the details, issue your joining instruction, and learning portal access and arrange your induction.
- Alternatively purchase via this webpage by selecting a course date above and clicking ‘self-fund’, select the PayPal or ePDQ payment option to pay in full.
To enrol on the Level 3 Diploma in Gym Instructing and Personal Training you need to:
- Be at least 16 years old
- The course requires physical exertion and individual participation is essential, therefore a degree of physical fitness is necessary
- There is an element of communication (discussing, presenting, reading and writing) and maths involved, so learners should have basic skills in communication and maths pitched at level 2 (as a minimum)
In addition, to complete the 100% online pathway you will:
- Complete the course over a duration and speed that suits you
- Have 24/7 access to our high-quality digital technology learning platform and regular support from your personal tutor
- Learning can be completed in your own time and at your own pace but the attendance of some live webinar sessions is required
- Need to have access to a commercial/professional gym environment
- Be required to complete all practical delivery sessions within a gym setting
- Need to have access to a video camera/smartphone to record some of your assessments
Completion of the Level 3 Diploma in Gym Instructing and Personal Training qualification allows progression on to further CPD and career development opportunities.
- Level 3 Diploma in Long Term Conditions (Online)
- Level 3 Award in Designing Pre and Post Natal Exercise Programmes (Online)
- Level 3 Diploma in Sports Massage
- Level 4 Certificate in Exercise for the Management of Low Back Pain (Online)
- Level 4 Certificate in Physical Activity and Weight Management for Obese and Diabetic Clients (Online)
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! At CMS Fitness Courses, we understand the importance of flexibility in learning. While our courses are delivered 100% online, we offer the option for learners who prefer to complete their practical assessments in person. Workshop days are held several times a month in Batley, West Yorkshire, on both Mondays and Saturdays. These days not only do they serve as assessment opportunities but also include teaching elements to help learners feel comfortable in their environment before undergoing assessment.
Our workshop days are designed to aid learners in their practical assessments while providing an enriching learning experience. Before the assessments begin, we provide teaching to familiarize learners with their environments and the tasks at hand. This ensures that you are well-prepared and comfortable, making the assessment process as smooth as possible.
Absolutely! We’ve gone to great lengths to ensure that our online learning platform, the eLMS, offers comprehensive support and resources. All the valuable teaching and demonstrations found in our workshop days—and more—are available through pre-recorded content. This includes tutor demonstrations and recorded presentations, allowing you to access the full value of our in-person workshops at your convenience. Our online platform ensures that you have access to high-quality learning materials whenever you need them, providing a flexible and comprehensive learning experience.
The earning potential for personal trainers in the UK can vary widely based on a number of factors including location, experience, qualifications, and the type of employment (self-employed vs working for a gym). On average, personal trainers in the UK can expect to earn between £20,000 to £60,000 per year.
For personal trainers who are just starting out, the lower end of the scale is more common, with earnings potentially starting from around £20,000 annually. However, with experience, a strong client base, and additional qualifications, earnings can significantly increase.
Self-employed personal trainers often have the potential to earn more, as they can set their own rates and manage their client load. However, this also comes with additional responsibilities such as marketing and business management. Experienced personal trainers operating their own business or working in high-demand areas can see their earnings exceed £60,000 per year, especially if they specialize in certain areas or offer premium services.
It’s important to note that these figures are indicative and can fluctuate based on the current market demand, the personal trainer’s business model, and their ability to retain and attract clients. Additionally, personal trainers often supplement their income by offering group classes, online coaching, or selling fitness-related products and programs.
Building a successful career as a personal trainer in the UK requires dedication, a strong understanding of fitness and nutrition, excellent interpersonal skills, and a commitment to professional development. With the right approach, personal trainers can achieve a rewarding and lucrative career.
To become a personal trainer in the UK, you need to obtain specific qualifications that are recognized within the fitness industry. These qualifications ensure that you have the necessary knowledge and skills to safely and effectively train clients. Here is an outline of the steps and qualifications required:
Level 2 Gym Instructor Qualification
- Starting Point: This is the entry-level qualification for those looking to begin a career in fitness. It covers the basics of gym-based exercise, including how to plan and instruct gym sessions and the principles of exercise and fitness.
- Requirement: Before you can advance to personal training qualifications, you must hold this certification or its equivalent.
Level 3 Personal Trainer Qualification
- Core Qualification: After obtaining your Level 2 Gym Instructor qualification, the next step is to achieve a Level 3 Personal Trainer qualification. This is the minimum requirement to work as a personal trainer in the UK.
- Content: It covers a wider range of knowledge, including advanced training methods, nutrition, and how to design personalized training and nutrition programs for clients.
- Recognition: Ensure that the qualification is accredited by a reputable body such as REPs (Register of Exercise Professionals) or CIMSPA (Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity) to ensure it meets industry standards.
Additional Qualifications and CPD (Continual Professional Development)
- Specializations: To stand out in the fitness industry, you may consider obtaining additional qualifications in areas such as strength and conditioning, sports nutrition, or specific exercise regimes like Pilates or yoga.
- CPD Courses: Engaging in continual professional development through workshops and courses can help keep your knowledge up to date and expand your skill set.
First Aid Certification
- Requirement: A valid first aid certificate, including CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation), is typically required for personal trainers to ensure they can respond to emergency situations.
- Professional Indemnity Insurance: It’s also advisable to have professional indemnity and public liability insurance to protect yourself and your clients.
Achieving these qualifications not only meets the regulatory requirements to practice as a personal trainer in the UK but also equips you with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide a high standard of service to your clients. It’s also beneficial for building trust with clients and employers in the fitness industry.
We would also suggest that this factor has little impact on your choice of training provider for your personal training qualification. Here is why:
- Just not needed: Any personal training interview you secure through a training provider could be secured just as easily by yourself being proactive towards your desired employer. If an employer needs to recruit a certified personal trainer, they want the right person, not the best person they can find at a given provider. Approach where you want to work personally, keep in touch, follow them on social media (facebook, instagram, linkedin), if they have opportunities then you can apply. You are just as likely to secure a personal training opportunity.
- Flattery: Approaching a targeted employer and wanting to join their organisation as a certified personal trainer will make you more attractive as a potential employee.
- Employed or Rent a space: many facilities offering interviews for personal training positions will be overwhelmingly space to rent on a gym floor. They are not offering employment, they are offering you the opportunity to rent their space in order to offer your personal training service on their premises. This might be what you want but the offer is often misunderstood at face value. Look at the companies the training provider says they work with, what is the business model of the ’employer partners’?
- Job boards and websites: Look on website job boards and company websites to source relevant opportunities. Often the simplest ideas are the best ones.
- Advertising and PR Exercise: We are all in the business of making our services have a unique selling point, however, more often than not the offer of a guaranteed personal training interview is simply a PR exercise and an opportunity for fitness facilities to collect a target audience to sell space on the gym floor.
We are not suggesting that you shouldn’t source employment opportunities via this route. We are just of the opinion that the best person will always get the job, and sourcing employment opportunities is not a difficult task in the health and fitness sector, and should not overshadow your decision in choosing the right training provider for your personal training qualification.