Create Unstoppable Client Motivation!

Avatar for Hadyn Luke Hadyn Luke posted this on Monday 1st of September 2014 Hadyn Luke 01/09/2014


Use easy step by step techniques to unlock your clients’ energy and drive with the physical life coach programme!


As a personal trainer, nutritional advisor, injury / massage therapist, sports coach or any other health worker, do you find it frustrating when no matter how many techniques or how much effort you put in, sometimes your clients…

  1. Lack motivation?
  2. Don’t keep to the programme when your not there?
  3. Start eating junk even though they know they shouldn’t?

and other areas of self sabotage which then leads to;

  1. Slower results?
  2. Going back to the way they were before they started
  3. A crash in motivation?
  4. Cancelling sessions?

If you answered yes…

Then you are not alone! Each and every day health workers all over the world face the same challenge and no matter how hard they push their clients or how many new techniques they try!

What your clients are asking you for may not always be what they REALLY want!

But surely if a client is overweight and they want to reduce, then that is their main goal?

Can you imagine how it will make your clients feel if you could introduce a few simple techniques into your current programme which will allow them to remove the block which is creating their struggle and internal fight, resulting in unstoppable motivation and a major boost in results?

It makes them feel amazing!

And can you also imagine how this will affect your business and your reputation?

It’s amazing!


The physical life coach programme is a system that has been developed by Paul Ryder of Future Mind Training.  After studying hundreds of people and speaking to health workers all over the world during his 11 years in the fitness industry and the last 7 years as a professional life coach he has provided a step by step guide that any health trainer can introduce into their current programme to allow each client to understand what they are really aiming to achieve!

It is the system that he has been using himself for many years both as a personal trainer and life coach to influence 1 to 1 clients and other health workers to achieve maximum results in the most effective time. The system comes complete with step by step models and plans backed by Paul’s word as a 100% satisfaction money back guarantee!

Book today and you can gain a bonus copy of the essential guide to social psychology ‘Life Beyond The Mask’
When you book your place simply quote the code CMS145 to reserve your bonus copy

For further questions please contact Paul directly on 0161 6140159 or via email.

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